第九条 网络游戏不得含有以下内容:
Article 9 internet games shall not contain any of the following content:
1. Content in violation of the fundamental principles established in the Constitution;
2. Content endangering the unification, sovereignty, or territorial integrity of the State;
3. Content divulging state secrets, endangering state security, or damaging the honor and interests of the State;
4. Content inciting ethnic hatred or racial discrimination, undermining unity among ethnic groups, or violating the customs and habits of minority ethnic groups;
5. Content propagating heresy or superstition;
6. Content disseminating rumors, disrupting social order, or undermining social stability;
7. Content disseminating or promoting obscene material, pornography, gambling, violence, or content instigating others to commit crimes;
8. Content infringing the lawful rights and interests of third parties by discrediting or slandering others;
9. Content transgressing social morality; and
10. Other content prohibited by laws, administrative regulations, or provisions of the State.
第十五条 网络游戏运营企业应当建立自审制度,明确专门部门,配备专业人员负责网络游戏内容和经营行为的自查与管理,保障网络游戏内容和经营行为的合法性。
Article 15 Internet game operators shall establish a self-examination system, specify the self-examination department, designate professional staff responsible for self-inspections and the management of internet game content and business conduct, and ensure the lawfulness of internet game content and business conduct.
第三十条 网络游戏经营单位有下列情形之一的,由县级以上文化行政部门或者文化市场综合执法机构责令改正,没收违法所得,并处10000元以上30000元以下罚款;情节严重的,责令停业整顿直至吊销《网络文化经营许可证》;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:(一)提供含有本办法第九条禁止内容的网络游戏产品和服务的;
Article 30 Where any of the following circumstances apply to an internet game operator, the culture administrative department or culture market comprehensive law enforcement agency at or above the county level shall order it to take remedial measures, confiscate any illegal earnings, and impose a fine ranging from RMB 10,000 to 30,000; where the circumstances are serious, said department shall order it to suspend its business operations for rectification or revoke its Online Cultural Business Permit; if the operator’s conduct constitutes a criminal offence, it shall be held criminally liable in accordance with the law: 1. Providing internet game products and services including any content prohibited by Article 9 hereof;