After filling out the information in the previous tabs, you can either continue to officially submit your title for Viveport to review and ultimately publish for public consumer release, or you may first test your title yourself through the beta version option.Create a beta version
Create a beta version
The Beta testing feature provides a way to test your title before public release. You can check build performance, the quality of the media assets, etc. See detailed instruction here: Viveport beta testing guideline
Please note that beta releases are only for users specified as beta testers in the developer console. As such, the Viveport Content Operations team will not have access to this build and will not be able to test your build until you create a production release.
Create production release
Click the “Create production release” button when you are ready to have your title published to consumers. After you submit the production release, the Viveport team will start to review your app or game and help you through the publication process. Once you submit, you can still make changes to the submission such as resubmitting a build or editing any product details by clicking the “Edit” button in the upper right corner in your project. Please note that you cannot withdraw your submission when your title is ready for publication. Under this circumstance, you won’t see the “Edit” button. Please contact us if you need any assistance. It is very important that any updates need to be both saved and resubmitted for review. The Viveport team will let you know if there are any issues to be addressed or if the title is ready for publication.
Submit updates
You can go into any published title and click the “Edit” button to start an update submission. After submitting the production release successfully, you’ll see a new row showed up in the title list with the same title name but under another status “Under Review”. In other words, you’ll find two versions of your title. One is the published version and the other is the updated version you just submitted.
Please note that submissions, or changes and updates, need to be submitted through the Submit for Review tab within your developer console, using the Create Production Release option!